Beard Balm Dragon Tears

Beard Boys Dragon Tears Beard Balm is a mix of Honey, Clove & Amber...

Original price was: R180.00.Current price is: R150.00.

June 15, 2024
Unique Scent
It smells great, very different to other scents I have tried. Also holds my beard well, and softens it without leaving it too oily.
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It is rumored that dragons cry golden tears that are deeply sweet and resembles honey. Warriors of old used to collect the tears of dragons and massage it into their beards. This was said to bring them good luck in their quests to save the world from evil and impress the damsels in distress.

Is your beard long, dry and unruly? Or maybe you’re a bit earlier on in your beard growth journey, but the unbearable itchiness is holding you back from the lumberjack look of your dreams?

No matter how gruff and rugged you think you are, every man needs to moisturize their skin and condition their beard hair on a regular basis.

We’d look like walking tumbleweeds if we didn’t, with dry hairs poking out every which way.

Beard balm offers the perfect solution, not only helping you to grow a gnarly beard but it can be used for so much more.

Using a beard balm every day can treat dandruff, soften your beard, moisturize your skin, and keep your beard hairs in place.



Beard balm is a great all-in-one beard moisturizer, conditioner and styling aid that is especially helpful for people who want their beards to look thicker. For best results, wash your beard with an all-natural beard soap and apply beard balm when dry. Scrape out a dime sized amount of balm and rub between your palms. Run your fingers through your facial hair, starting from the neck and working up, making sure to rub balm into the skin where your beard grows.

This will help  nourish facial hair at the roots. Reverse and run your fingers through your beard in a downward motion from top to bottom, spreading the balm down the hair follicles. Don’t forget your moustache and the hair around your mouth. Brush the balm through your beard.




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