Straight Razor -Damascus Aswad

Damascus Steel Straight Razor by Beard Boys


3 in stock

3 in stock

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Nothing says old world charm quite like a straight razor. From old military movies to John Wayne, the straight razor has enjoyed a long and storied history. Yes, it will make you that much cooler to shave with a straight razor, but there are some real world benefits to shaving with a straight razor. First, the shave is much better than with a cartridge razor. This is somewhat hard to quantify, but when you master shaving with one you will understand. Second, you can kick those crappy cartridge razors and their awful razor burn to the curb. The side benefit of this is that you will save a boat-load of money (literally a. Lastly, you will turn shaving, normally a dreaded task by most men, into a conscious and almost meditative practice. If that isn’t enough to get you to want a straight razor, the quality and craftsmanship of these Damascus steel straight razors will send you overboard.

Damascus Steel is a piece of art. Every time you lather up your face you will be thrilled.

Don't forget to use our ever so famous Shaving Cream or Soaps and aftershave when done!


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